Friday 19 April 2013

Re post: No Plan, Just Balls

We couldn’t let it die. It’s a dream that took more than a year to bring to life.
When Frequent Xpressionz ( @FrequentXP ) started, we had a plan. We were new to the game, excited and full of life! We had friends who knew people; we had influential money-making ideas. We wanted to make it big. Our dreams were promising. Goals crystal clear.
We wanted to host music shows. We wanted to stage concerts. Like other smart, budding promoters we had seen the light in the local music industry. We had seen the never-dying effort of artists and we wanted to make the most of that. All in all, we felt we could create a hustle from assisting local artists make it too.
Like all victims of inexperience we had to fall. We crashed painfully. Breath was strangled out of the young lives of our dreams. Amazingly we never gave up. The hunger we had fuelled by the appreciation from now successful artists made us get up and get back to the drawing board.
I remember very well our first (and last) 2 shows where we hosted artists such as Qibho Intalektual, Dungavee, Infillable Thoughts who was called Bittersweet then and The Blueprint (both from Forkast), Gem, Sibos, to mention a few. These artists were not being paid to perform. They were also starving to make it. Frequent Xpressionz never got a single cent profit from these shows. I remember we had no sound system, no venue, and no damn budget. It’s the love that drove us. I recall it was just us promoters, the artists and a few spectators watching these shows. That’s all we needed. The music went on.
A dozen of other fails later, we chose to chill and try something new. Did I mention we were broke? The show-hosting business is a tough one for experienced cats with a budget, a broke inexperienced team doesn’t stand a chance!!
When we got back, we went digital. It was easier, faster, more efficient and cheaper. The Facebook page Frequent Xpressionz was born. Its purpose was to distribute local music through downloads. The response was tremendous. The first phase went perfectly well.
For quite a long minute now, Frequent Xpressionz have been away from the scene. The same desire to make a contribution to the uplifting of local art, the spiraling output from local artists makes us feel we still have a role to play.
So Swaziland, here we are. This time with no plan, no presented budget, just balls. Dreams. Guts. We have no blueprint but a vision. No strategy just instincts. We just intend to keep up.

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